Title: Claw the System: Poems from the Cat Uprising
Author: Francesco Marcuiliano
Genre: Humor
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing - Copyright 2018
Read: August 30, 2018
Disclaimer: I received a digital advance reader copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Synopsis from Publisher: Cats are done with humans' crap. For too long they have put up with baby talk, the humiliation of holiday costumes, and the social injustice of being told, "No." They will not sleep through this anymore. We humans have woken the beast, and in this book they have gathered together to reclaim their voice, loudly and repeatedly until we pay attention. Watch the uprising unfold, through anthems such as "Redefine Terms," "Accepted," "Decide," "A New Dawn," and "Just What Do You Think You're Doing?" Show support for your feline friends and try to understand why they're so spitting mad.
Review: Claw the System is a fun, quirky book of poetry from a cat's point of view. Francesco Claw the System is a must-read for any cat lover.
Marciuliano has knack for capturing the snarky, apathetic vibe of cats who still believe they should be worshipped as gods. Filled with brilliant photos of adorable kittens and adult cats doing what they do best--napping, jumping, and ignoring their humans--
Review at a Glance:
Concept: A+
Execution: A
Writing Style: A
Characters: A
Reader Connection: A
Overall Grade: A
Would I Buy This Author Again: Absolutely!
Synopsis from Publisher: Cats are done with humans' crap. For too long they have put up with baby talk, the humiliation of holiday costumes, and the social injustice of being told, "No." They will not sleep through this anymore. We humans have woken the beast, and in this book they have gathered together to reclaim their voice, loudly and repeatedly until we pay attention. Watch the uprising unfold, through anthems such as "Redefine Terms," "Accepted," "Decide," "A New Dawn," and "Just What Do You Think You're Doing?" Show support for your feline friends and try to understand why they're so spitting mad.
Review: Claw the System is a fun, quirky book of poetry from a cat's point of view. Francesco Claw the System is a must-read for any cat lover.
Marciuliano has knack for capturing the snarky, apathetic vibe of cats who still believe they should be worshipped as gods. Filled with brilliant photos of adorable kittens and adult cats doing what they do best--napping, jumping, and ignoring their humans--
Review at a Glance:
Concept: A+
Execution: A
Writing Style: A
Characters: A
Reader Connection: A
Overall Grade: A
Would I Buy This Author Again: Absolutely!